Wednesday, September 3, 2008

LONG weekend

So, it was just me and Aiden for my 3 day Labor Day holiday weekend...and as luck would have it, it wasn't as much relaxing as I would have wished. Aiden FINALLY got his first tooth! It seems like he has been working on it for months, but it has finally come in. Of course, that just meant an abnormally fussy baby for the entire weekend. I saw that the first tooth had broken the gums on Friday, had a day of normal Aiden, then the next one started it's journey to the outside. The second finally broke the gums yesterday and he couldn't be happier! Even though he was a bit more of a handful, he was such a trooper and the process really wasn't bad.

Today, Nathan called me at work with an emergency...but he is a boy and I know better then anyone that his "emergency" wasn't nearly important as he made it sound. So, when I got a moment at work, I called home. Sure enough, it wasn't an emergency after all. Aiden has started eating solids which have helped with the hard stools he has had from his formula (I am sure you can see where this is going...) and Daddy doesn't put diapers on as tight as Mommy (you really know now!) and poor little Aiden pooped all up his back! =) I really wish that pictures could have been taken of Nathan's face as I KNOW he was at a loss of what to do!!!! HAHA

Sorry no pictures this time. I will work on getting some new shots up soon! Hope everyone is doing well!


Wammack Family said...

Ah the joys of cutting teeth. MacKayla was a wonderful child until the evil teeth came out, Annika cut teeth really early and we never knew she was until they popped through, and now Arabella...poor child, she has been working on the first one for four months now, and nothing still.

You have to love the crazy reactions of daddy's to diaper issues.

Glad to see that you are doing well though. Take care.