Monday, December 22, 2008

More teeth...

When Aiden got his first couple of teeth, he didn't seem to be phased by it and I was very excited that he was getting, 6 teeth in, I am looking forward to when ALL his teeth are in!! Aiden just broke his 6th tooth over the weekend. He now has 3 bottom (middle and one on the right) and 3 top teeth (middle and one on the left). His top middle teeth took a long time to break the gums, so I am happy that the last one has finally broke through. He isn't so bad, he is just very needy. With so much going on this last week in preperation for Christmas, it has been tiring to have an uncomfortable baby. But, we are on the upside now! (Well, at least until the next tooth makes it's decent LOL)

Here are a few pictures of Aiden's first haircut!!

The 1st cut!
He kept trying to grab the comb

And a couple of Aiden pulling himself up to get into his toys...

He is clearly very proud of himself =) Well, I should get some work done...3 more days then San Diego!! YAY!


Wammack Family said...

He is so cute. I feel for you on teething, I hate when they are going through it. Bella is working on her third tooth I think and the poor little girl is miserable when it flares up.

See you soon!