Friday, April 3, 2009


Nathan and I are both guilty with this one. Whenever we are playing with Aiden, feeding him, entering a room he is in, pretty much always we will growl at him. Not in a mean way but more of a playful "grrrrr" with the face of course lol! It always has provoked a smile in him...until he realized he can do it back! Now, if you come in the room, he will growl at you with the face or just the word. It has really made Nathan and I laugh but I will admit that it scares me a bit. As long as it stays playful I guess. I have yet to be able to get it on video or picture. I will work on that.

With the weather getting a little nicer, we have been able to play outside a lot more. Aiden loves being outside and seeing people walking their dogs. For his b-day, he got a little car that we can push him around in (above) and he thinks it is the coolest!!! The weather this weekend is supposed to be nice and warm, so I want to take Aiden to the park...his first park trip!!!!

Yesterday, we were out to dinner a little bit later in the evening then Aiden would have liked. By the end of dinner, he was getting a little fussy and antsy, so I told him we were going to go home and play with his new firetruck car. It sings this VERY cheesy song that will instantly get stuck in your head, so I sang it, "I see a firetruck, a big red shiny firetruck"...immediately after, Aiden rocked back and forth (that's his dancing) and sang "I see a firetruck"!!!! I usually think I just heard him weird, but Nathan heard the exact thing!!!!! We both laughed uncontrollably and I, of course, cried. =-) It's amazing at how quick he is growing!!!


Wammack Family said...

That is really cute! We do a similar thing with Bella and we "Rarr" at her and she does it back tous.

I love how cute they are and how fast they are growing up.